AEG Ogden’s $2B Brisbane Live Precinct Gets Green Light

AEG Ogden’s proposed A$2 billion entertainment precinct Brisbane Live got the green light from the Queensland state government Nov. 12.  

The government will pick up the tab for the complex, which includes a $450 million 17,000-seat indoor arena, a 4,000-capacity live music venue, and a 15,000-capacity amphitheatre as well as multiplex cinemas, restaurants and bars.
Brisbane Live is part of a larger $5.4 billion development, the Cross River Rail, using the previously unused space over the new Roma Street rail station which links to two railway networks linked to much of Queensland. It is expected that the entertainment/rail integration will move thousands of patrons from the central business district in minutes.
Harvey Lister, high profile CEO of AEG Ogden, sad, “It’s very encouraging that the government appears to have recognised the potential for Brisbane Live to be an activator that could eventually see the whole Roma Street precinct become an exciting part of the state’s capital city.”
Deputy premier and Transport and Infrastructure Minister Jackie Trad added, “We have been working very closely with Harvey Lister to make sure we create the best entertainment and integrated transport precinct in Australia.”